Sunday, November 18, 2018

Today's Earrings: Copper and Blue

It's Sunday!

...Which means I actually had a little bit of extra time to dedicate to making today's earrings. Yay!

After poking around online at some tutorials, I settled on a design that I wanted to try. So, with a bit trepidation, I gathered my materials, and got to work.

This is the teaser picture I posted to Instagram... those were my supplies.
And, I am very happy to report: it worked! My experiment worked! Yay!

Here are the final earrings:

They were made with copper wire (20 and 28 gauge) and faceted glass rondelles. I'm over the moon with how they turned out... and the fact that they even match each other! Yay!

I look forward to playing around with this type of design some more... I'm getting more confident with my wire-weaving, and am excited about all of the possibilities.

...Oh, and I also made a pair of backup earrings, in case those didn't work out!

Those are made with Swarovski bicones and coated quartz briolettes. They are really quite dainty and lovely, and too pretty not to show. :)

Thanks so much for stopping by today, and letting me show off my experimenting... Happy Sunday, everyone!

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