Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Wednesday's Worktable

Today's worktable is brought to you from on the road!

Seriously... I'm spending the day with my friend, and am beading over at her apartment.* Because that's how we roll. :)

Still, I actually wasn't going to work on anything new today. In fact, my plan was simply to chip away at my Monthly Challenge projects (I'm on #4!). But then, we stopped at Michaels after breakfast. And then I remembered that I wanted to do the FusionBeads challenge** for today, which involves making a charm bracelet or bangle.

...And then I found some adorable teacup charms, and I suddenly knew exactly what I wanted to do.

All of my materials, gathered together on my to-go beading mat.

Teacups? Roses? Clocks? Whatever might I be making.

Well, let me show you... This is what I was making:

That? Is a charm bangle based on one of my favorite all-time Disney movies, Beauty and the Beast. Talking teacups, a magic rose, and a limited time to break the spell--all of which I tried to capture in this bracelet.

Bracelet close-up!

In fact, I liked the Beauty and the Beast theme so much, I decided to make a matching necklace and pair of earrings, too. (You're so surprised, I'm sure!)

When the earrings are being worn, the roses dangle directly in front of the plates, which causes a really neat framed effect. 

My personal favorite touch is the teacup on dangling from the clasp.

So, there you go! A Beauty and the Beast jewelry set, made on location at my friend's apartment. Have beads, will travel!

I hope everyone is having a good day... I know that I am. 

Happy Wednesday, everyone!

* - And I'm writing this blog entry at her apartment, too. Woo!

** - I've actually done every day of the FusionBeads 30 Day Bead Challenge so far, I just haven't gotten a chance to post here yet. You can always follow my progress on Instagram, though, if you're super interested. *grin*

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