Friday, October 8, 2010

Another Listing! Yay!

I bring you...  The Swirl of the Vortex!  *cue dramatic music*

I made this pair of hairsticks before we moved into our current living situation...  I suppose that means I've held on to them since June.  I had actually decided on the name awhile ago, but had been struggling a little with the story.  I suppose that's what happens when you try to get it just right.  I didn't want to post them to my store without being completely satisfied with the lore that they represent.

And tonight, I did it!  *now, cue the rejoicing*  I managed to combine the idea of a vortex, a dragon, and the swirling blues and greens and yellows.  I am pleased.

The story:

Legends tell of a small valley in the High Mountains, with tall cliffs on all sides.  Largely inaccessible, it is isolated from travelers and adventuring heroes.  This, perhaps, is a good thing; it is said that the great dragon Rarrigan makes its home in this valley.  Indeed, the presence of this dragon is what gives the valley its name: the Vortex. 

The origin of this name is fairly simple.  It is said that when Rarrigan flaps his mighty winds, he causes the air in the valley to spin and swirl within the constraints of the valley, resulting in a swirling vortex of wind.  The howling of this wind can be heard all throughout the High Mountains; it is perhaps this sound itself that has given rise to the legend of the Vortex.  The locals say that to hear the roaring winds means that Rarrigan has once more taken to the air—and that travelers sound be extra wary.

These hairsticks, made in swirling colors (the green of the valley, blue of the sky, and yellow of the mighty Rarrigan himself), could have held up the hair of a traveler in the High Mountains—a reminder to be on guard, should they hear the mighty sound of the Vortex. 

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