Thursday, September 9, 2010

Time to do the Funky Camera*...

I have spent the entire morning taking pictures of my inventory (yay picture project!), only stopping when my camera battery died.  Now that I'm waiting for said battery to recharge, I'm going through all of my pictures and trying to decide which ones to use for my store.

That's not the purpose of this post, however.

The purpose of this post is to share something rather amusing.  Every once and awhile, my camera does something funky.  What kind of funky?  The kind of warp-the-picture-into-strips kind of funky.

For example, examine Exhibit A:

This is what the first picture looked like

This is how the second picture turned out

How cool (and funky) is that?  I promise that I didn't alter the second picture at all--I am not that skilled, and I don't have Photoshop.  That is how the picture was saved on my camera, and that is how it loaded onto my computer.  I'm supposing it has something to do with the dying battery...  Bizarre.

Examine also Exhibit B:

This is what the first picture looked like

This is how the second picture turned out

I find it utterly fascinating!  I usually trash my reject photos, but I'm keeping these two.  


* - Yes, as opposed to the Funky Chicken.

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