Monday, September 30, 2019

Wonder and Whimsy Monthly Challenge - September Reveal

I know it's a bit late, but it's finally time to show what I made for this month's Wonder and Whimsy Monthly Challenge! Yay!

As a quick reminder, this month was dedicated to making jewelry out of fabric:

...And I had success!

Not only that, I also had a lot of fun. I enjoyed trying new things--and having them work!--and I ended up making four necklaces to share. Not only that, but I made many many more components to be used in later designs.

But enough chatter. Time to show you what I made!

Necklace #1

The first fabric that I tackled was the colorful batik fabric seen at the bottom of that top picture. From it, I made several beads and two pendants:

Then I used that bottom pendant to make this necklace: 

I paired the pendant with amethyst and dyed magnesite, wire-wrapping the links together to make a colorful, straightforward design. Not a bad way to start off my challenge!

Necklace #2

The next necklace was made using the above fabric. First, I made a bunch of pendants from it: 

...But then I decided not to use them. Instead, I made some beads and a tassel, which then turned into this:

The fabric beads are paired with vintage brown acrylic, magnesite, wood, and brass. The tassel itself is wrapped with wire and seed beads. The overall effect is long and flowy--and a wonderful experiment! (The next time I make a fabric tassel I'll make the strands a bit thinner, but all in all I'm pretty pleased!)

Necklace #3

I don't have a dedicated picture of the original fabric for this next design... It can be seen a bit in the very first picture in this post. Based on what I made, however, you can probably figure out which one it is:

Once again, I made beads and a pendant from the fabric, and paired them with glass. I absolutely love the way that the colors go together for this one!

Necklace #4

...And, last but not least, we have the necklace I made with the above fabric. While I did make some pendants, they didn't quite turn out right (sad face!). Still, the beads themselves turned out wonderfully:

Since the original fabric is very similar to African kente cloth (I'm not sure if it's actually authentic kente cloth, or just a reproduction-made-in-the-style-of cloth), I decided to pair the beads with a special Nigerian brass bead I bought at the infamous bead expo. (Yes, the one where I got a concussion.)

I am very, very pleased with how it turned out:

So, there you go! Those are the necklaces that I made for this challenge. Oh, and remember how I said I made more things than I ended up using? Here are some bonus components that I made but didn't use:

What can I say--I enjoyed myself. :)

I am so happy with how everything turned out, and will definitely use fabric in future designs. It's especially fun because it doesn't take much fabric to actually make beads, meaning that this is a perfect way to use up remnants and fabric bits that might be otherwise discarded. It also means that I can have fun looking at fabric stores for bead designs. Hah!

Thank you so much for stopping by today to see what I made for this challenge... Happy last day of September, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. The use of fabric is so clever, I never would have thought to do that! These necklaces are so pretty!


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