Saturday, October 27, 2012

Saturday Night Ramblings...

 Just a few things that have been going through my head this evening...  

Coupled with pictures taken by my phone.  Why?  Because it's fun.

Musing the First
In the past three weeks, I have had two colds.  

Of course, now that I'm starting to feel just a little better, my husband is getting sick.  Together, we have gone through a gallon of orange juice in approximately 3 and a half hours. 

We are also both watching the clock, excitedly anticipating our next dose of Dayquil.

This is our second bottle of Dayquil, pictured here
with some of our soup.  Yum... soup...


Musing the Second
I don't know if this happens to other people, but I'm now at that stage of recovery where I'm feeling just a bit better, and so I think that I'm invincible...  the stage that has me wanting to assemble furniture and rearrange my bedroom.

In fact, it's taking all of my restraint to make myself sit still, and remember that I can't breathe through my nose.  

Why can't I have these urges when I'm feeling well?

Ah well.  

The bookshelf will still be there, waiting for me, when I'm better.  

The bookshelf is in that box...  waiting...


Musing the Third
This evening, I realized that I haven't been doing a lot of beading recently.

Now, part of that is because I'm so excited with my newfound knitting and crochet skills (i-cords and ruffle scarves and yay!)

The other part of that, however, is because my craft room is an absolute disaster area.  

How embarrassed I am to share this picture with the world!
Maybe the shame alone will inspire me to clean.  Phnergle.

I have two tables in my crafting area, and they are both covered in projects.  All sorts of projects--beads and paint and paper and fabric and polymer clay and puzzle pieces.  My creative energy has me jumping from project to project to project--and I have the horrible habit of not always cleaning up after myself.

So, memo to me: when I'm feeling better, I need to clean.

Seen here: Protoss pylon reference pictures, pylons made out of
polymer clay, fabric for a skirt, paper from a notebook project,
a pair of wayward hairsticks, and a collar necklace that wants a better home.
Among other things.


Musing the Fourth (and final)
I know that I have too many projects going on all at once.  

I know that I need to focus my efforts on cleaning, and finding places to put things, and finishing the projects that I have already started.  And perhaps making a few new pairs of hairsticks for my store.

Then why, oh why, do I keep getting drawn to this pile of yarn?

...Want... to... knit... pretty... things...

Does anyone else have trouble with wanting to do multiple projects, or is that just me?


  1. I think I'd have more projects going on if I had more space and time. But, as it is, I am intensely focused on one project.

    I think perhaps this is a cry for help. XD Perhaps I need to not take you to any craft stores for a while! Is that even possible for us?

    1. Heehee... I don't know if it's possible! In all seriousness, though, it is already looking a lot better in there. I attacked it last night after posting this. There is more to be done, sure... But I have begun the road to recovery. ;)


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