Thursday, March 28, 2013

Fresh Air

One of my favorite things about Spring is being able to open the windows.

I love letting the fresh air sweep through, banishing the winter-staleness and lightening the apartment's entire atmosphere.

Granted, right now it's still a bit too cold to do so... hovering in the mid-forties Fahrenheit, even with the bright blue skies and warm sun.

But soon!

I have to keep telling myself that...  Soon!  

Oh, I am ready ready ready for full-blown Spring!


This morning, the light was streaming into the craft room as I was working, and I longed to open the windows wide and breathe deeply the fresh air.  

And I would have, too, if it wouldn't have also made my hands cold and clumsy.

Ah well...  Guess it just means that after lunch I should go for a walk and enjoy the sunlight that way.  I am definitely feeling the need to shake off winter-hibernation mode and frolic!


  1. I so agree!
    I love reading your blog!!

    1. I am so, so glad that you like reading what I write! That makes me so happy! <3


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