Monday, July 20, 2020

July's Worktable... so far...

Two posts in one month! Woo-hoo! 

...I'm taking small steps getting back into the swing of posting here, apparently.

However, while preparing for this post, I realized that I don't really have a lot to show for this month so far. Well, correction: I don't have a lot to show, that isn't for a challenge with a reveal later this month.

So! Let me show you what else I've been working on: masks!

Specifically, cute masks. Partially because they are required now in my part of Ohio, partially because I like accessorizing and it's a new creative outlet, and partially because I really really like blessing people by making things for them.

...And partially because it's really fun finding cute fabric and making things with it. Like these llama masks:

...So many llama masks...

I also have an entire stack of new fabric to play with... including, but not limited to, this lovely Egyptian themed fabric:

...because, like I said: I really like accessorizing. Hah!

So, there you go: a glimpse into what I've been working on so far this month. I hope to have actually jewelry things to show at some point soon--but, in the meantime, I hope you enjoyed my foray into sewing. 

Thanks so much for stopping by... Have a wonderful day, everyone!

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