Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Tuesday's Table

This week's table might not be very colorful, but it is very cool!

(Silly sidenote: I'm making up the color deficit with another project that I'm working on--more on that in the weeks to come!)

Anyway!  Last week, I went fossiling...  so, it stands to reason that this week on my table, I have:


That's right...  fossils.  There are all from the same little patch of park.*

So, what kinds of fossils are these?

Well, my father would know--and does know--the scientific names for them.  As he currently lives in a different state, however, all I can do is generalize--and hope that I don't sound too silly.

There are two general types of fossils that I found: shells and bryozoans.

Here's what they look like:

Look!  Shell fossils.

These are large bryozoans...

...And these are smaller bryozoans.

What do I plan on doing with these?  Oh, the possibilities are endless!  

Right now I'm thinking of wire-wrapping the little ones and making a charm bracelet with them.  Or possibly earrings--but I need to make sure they aren't too heavy.

The large bryozoans I'm thinking about wire-wrapping and using for hairstick toppers.  ...Or pendants.  ...Or cool attachments for bookmarks.  I have actually done all three!

See?  Here is the fossil-topper I put on a hairstick.
I made this about a year and a half ago.

Oh, look!  Here it is again!

And, because I don't have a picture of either the pendants or the
bookmarks, here is another shot of the hairstick.  Even though I was still
new to wire-wrapping, I think that it turned out really, really well.

So, there you have it!  Fossils on my table...  and the possibilities are endless!


Have any suggestions on what I can make with these wonderful fossils?  They don't have to be jewelry related--I'm not above putting them in some cool glass containers and decorating the apartment with them!  :D


* - In case you're wondering, this is one of the parks that allows fossil hunters to poke around.  At least, as far as I know.  So, hurray for legally obtained fossils!  :D


  1. The shell ones are brachiopods. They were always my favorite!
    Neat bryozoans--animals that looked like little trees.. . .

    1. Thank you, thank you, for clarifying! I couldn't remember the name brachiopods for the life of me.

      Interesting fact: the bryozoans were much more numerous than the shells--making the few shells that I did find all the more precious. :D


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! :)