Saturday, May 21, 2011

Crafting Outside, Take 2

This time, without the sunburn!

How did I manage it?  By going outside after dinner last night, about 2 or 3 hours before the sun was going to set.

See, the shadows are starting to
get long.

I enjoyed time at the picnic table, making silmarils and listening to music.  It was very peaceful, honestly.  It is very relaxing for me to just craft hours on end, getting lost in what I'm doing... and that was what I was doing.

However, my presence did not go unnoticed--both by annoying buggsies, and by an over-zealous kitty.

Tolkien: "Why are you doing something boring?
You should be loooooooving me."

Tolkien:  "Ahem...  I am cute.  Pay attention to the
cute thing that is sitting on your foot!"

Eventually, when I didn't give in to the urge to scratch his fuzzy belly, he gave up and prowled off.  I think he was rather put out.

Yes, that orange-ish blob is Tolkien in the distance.

Ultimately, I was outside for about two hours...  I moved inside when I started to notice that it was getting darker, and that the bugs were getting a bit more vigorous.

So, no sunburn, but a few bug bites.  All in all, it was a good night!

I told you that the shadows were
getting long.

Now all I have to do is finish working on those silmarils!  This part can be done inside, though...  Although, who knows?  I might just use it as an excuse to go outside tonight, too.

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