Friday, January 21, 2011

Morning Snow

Yesterday, it was a very snowy day.  The sky was shrouded in clouds; everything seemed hushed and heavy.  Most of yesterday was spent spreading salt on our infamous sloped driveway (see this post), wrestling to put out the trash (because of the aforementioned infamous sloped driveway), counting the inches as they piled up (ultimately, I think we got around 5), and trying to stay warm (tea was definitely a requirement).

Today, however, the snow has stopped.  The world is still hushed, but the sun is out.  What was shadowed and dark yesterday has been turned to brilliance.

And, of course, that means it's time for pictures!  

View from my window this morning...  This picture was
taken through a screen, but you can still see the light-play
on the branches.

Sun cresting the trees in the backyard.

Another shot of the sun's entrance... quite spectacular,
if you ask me.

Light cast on the picnic table,
complete with sun flare.

You can actually see the snow glittering!  See!  There,
in the background.

Sycamore tree branches, covered in snow.

Another shot of the tree branches.

The snow itself, glistening in the brilliant sunlight.

...I am glad, today, to enjoy some of the beauty of the snow.  Certainly, it's not as much as some places get during the winter, but it can certainly wreak havoc in my neck of the woods.  And so, now that I am nestled and cozy in my room, I can appreciate the view outside my window.

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