Friday, April 20, 2012

Trying to Learn Patience: A Post in Two Segments

Section I:  Setting the Scene

With my wrist out of commission, this has been a rather rough week.  

It's a mummy hand!
...Or, rather, just me trying to get a good shot of my
wrist to post here.  For sympathy, mostly.

Don't get me wrong--it's actually not that bad.  Nothing broken, no shooting pain... just the soreness of over-distraught muscles.  You know, the kind that you don't want to make worse.

So, the hardest part of this week hasn't been the pain...  It's the fact that I haven't been able to create.  No knitting, no beading, no writing.  

In fancy terms, I lack a creative outlet.

In more practical terms, I am bored.  

I am stir crazy and cranky and more than a little whiny.  In fact, I give major points to my husband this week, who has been patiently loving me as I flop around like a fish out of water, bemoaning my current lack of crafts.  If I wasn't so out of sorts, I would laugh at my own ridiculousness.

As it stands, however, I just want to make something.

Section II:  Patience is a Virtue

So, with all of this in mind, look what came in the mail today!

What has it got in its boxses?

How exciting--it's my yarn for my Dr. Who scarf!

There it is, all lovely in a row.

Of course, there is a problem.  I cannot knit right now--not without upsetting my wrist further, and causing actual problems for myself.  

And so, I am once more struggling with my old nemesis: patience.

I want to knit now.  I want to write my story now.  I want to make tons of jewelry now.  But, all of my wanting and whining is not making my wrist heal quicker.  In fact, my muscles will get better in their own time.  In the meantime, I need to stop focusing on what I cannot do, and focus on what I can do.

Like reading.

Or organizing my beads.

Or making smoothies. (To thank my husband for his patience, of course!)

And, I might not be able to knit my Dr. Who scarf right now...  But, by golly, I can take pictures of the yarn!

Why post this?  Because I can!

Wooo!  Another angle!

Overall, I know that I am not very good with this patience thing, but I can certainly try!


All right, I'm shameless...  Does anyone have some suggestions to what I can do instead, while I give my wrist a break?


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! :)