Friday, April 21, 2023


Hi, everyone!

Nothing really to report--which might actually be a good thing. Last year was incredibly tough, and honestly ended on a rough note. 

Thankfully, though, this year seems to be going a bit better. We didn't reach our health insurance deductible by February, our current number of hospital visits is zero, and there have been no major house-related catastrophes. Woo!

One thing I have not been doing, really, is making jewelry. 

At all.

If you follow my Instagram, you know that the only jewelry I have really finished this year is this pair of earrings:

...Yep, that's pretty much it. 

So, will I get back into the swing of making jewelry? Who knows. I hope so. No promises, but I hope so.

In the meantime, I've been spreading my wings and playing around with other creative endeavors. I've been working on my novel, for instance. A lot. I realized that I had been neglecting my writing, so I have been working hard to remedy that.

And I've also been sewing.

I followed/modified this tutorial to create a skirt using fabric I bought while visiting my mother for her birthday:

I really, really enjoyed myself, too. I'm even working on another one--different colorway, but same basic design.

So, yeah. I just wanted to say hi. I know I've been scarce, but I wanted everyone to know that I haven't forgotten my blog--or you. As I process the drama/trauma from last year, I hope to come back more often. In the meantime, know that I very, very much appreciate you.

Have a lovely day, everyone. Keep creating!


  1. Sometimes, no news is good news. I am glad that things are better and that you are able to pursue new ideas and projects. I can see the panelled skirt as a form of your trademark tassel as well.

    1. Thank you! I always love hearing from you... I really appreciate you always commenting. :)

      I hadn't thought of the skirt as a form of my tassel, but you're completely right! Hah! Now I'm thinking if I can make a necklace to match it.

      Also, I realize I didn't answer one of your earlier questions... sorry about that! My eye issue continues to be ongoing. It's mostly under control (yay!), but not cured. There is permanent damage in my left eye (from about 20 years ago), so I'm mostly just trying to make sure that no other damage is done. I have occasional flare-ups, but thankfully I've caught them soon enough to not have any lasting ill-effects. I continue to be very very grateful every day that I wake up and I can still see! :)


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! :)