Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Wonder and Whimsy Monthly Challenge - August Edition

I'm actually still working on a few additional pieces for last month's challenge, but I would be remiss if I didn't introduce the theme for this month's Wonder and Whimsy challenge. And trust me--it's a fun one!

What is it? Well, I'll give you a hint:

That's right! The theme for this month's challenge is...


It was inspired by some nostalgia, honestly. I was looking through my pictures from last year, which included multiple trips to coffee shops with my friends. I miss going to coffee shops with my friends--and, you know, actually going inside to sit down.

So, to tide myself over while I wait for the opportunity to once more arise, I am going to make jewelry based on all those wonderful artisan coffee drinks that I was able to enjoy... and look forward to enjoying again.

Be sure to come by on Friday, August 28th to see what I've made.

Thanks so much for stopping by today... Have a wonderful August, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I do love my some coffee and can't wait to see how you interpret this challenge!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! :)