Friday, September 2, 2011

Gift of the Mermaid - New Listing!

So, I may or may not be on a seaglass kick right now.

...Just saying.

Of course, when I show you my most recent Etsy listing, you'll understand what I'm talking about.

With no further ado, I present:

Gift of the Mermaid

Gift of the Mermaid - Earrings

Gift of the Mermaid - Necklace

Gift of the Mermaid - Hairsticks

The story:

Mermaids are fickle creatures.  At least, that’s the case with the mermaids near Dewpointe.  While extremely beautiful, they also tend to be extremely vain.  Like their male counterparts—who are known to cause massive seastorms—they are temperamental, sometimes luring honest sailors to their demise with their siren songs.  Occasionally, they can be assuaged with gifts (it is commonly known that they are particularly fond of hair adornments)... Yet, even so, it is often considered best to avoid them.

All of this is common knowledge, understood by the inhabitants of Dewpointe and the villages beyond.

Yet, as always, there are always exceptions.

One such exception was the mermaid named Syranne.  Unlike her vain kin, she enjoyed interacting with the people of the coast.  She would sit on the beach, just to talk to those working on the shore.  She made a habit of saving drowning sailors and fishermen.  Often, her fellow mermaids would chastise her for her human-friendly behavior—but she did not mind.

Because she was beautiful—she was a mermaid, after all—Syranne drew many Dewpointe suitors.  She turned them all down, gently but firmly.  She also drew the attention of many children, who would come to the beach to listen to her sing.  And every once and awhile, she would also draw the attention of women, too.  Since these were few and far between, and she enjoyed their company the most, she was always extra friendly.  Occasionally, she even gave them all presents—trinkets made in the colors of the sea.  

This set of jewelry, made with sea-green frosted glass, looks as if it could have been a present from Syranne to one of these coastal inhabitants.

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