Wednesday, July 31, 2024

15th Anniversary Celebration - Day 12

It’s Day 12!

For those just tuning in, this is just my little way of celebrating the fact that this blog has been around for 15 years. I've been having a lot of fun sharing projects I've been working on, as well as challenges and components I've been tackling.

Today's particular entry has been months in the making. 

Back in October, I think it was, I started experimenting with painting wood beads. I played around with different color combinations and different application techniques, and I was really happy with the results:

...And then I put the results in a bag and moved on to other projects.

That is, until recently. 

I am happy to announce that I have finally made something with some of those lovely beads. 

Ta-da, a pair of earrings!

I am so pleased with the way that the faceted Czech glass matches the effect of the painted beads. They aren't the most complicated earrings, construction-wise, but I really like the way that they look.

But I didn't stop there!

...Of course I had to make a tassel.

The focal and the 8mm beads are painted wood, and the rest is more of that beautiful complementary Czech glass. (There's even some dark purple in there, if you look closely.) The result is a surprisingly lightweight but visually striking necklace.

So, there you go! Those are some of the items I've made with beads that I've painted. It's always fun to make components and then use them in a design--it makes the finished piece feel really unique, and more fully mine.

Thanks so much for stopping by today! Day 13 is coming up tomorrow, and I'll have yet another entry to share with you then!

Until then, have a lovely day, everyone!


Another way I'm celebrating is by offering a coupon code for my Etsy store!

Simply use the code BLOG15 when checking out for 15% off! Code expires once my 15 Days of Content is over, on August 3rd.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

15th Anniversary Celebration - Day 11

It’s Day 11!

Can you imagine? We're on the final stretch of my 15 Days of Content. For those just tuning in, this is just my little way of celebrating the fact that this blog has been around for 15 years. I've been having a lot of fun sharing projects I've been working on, as well as challenges and components I've been tackling.

For today's entry, I’m going to do something a little different. 

If you’ve been reading this blog for awhile, you know that much of the time, I get inspired by colors—the way different colors look together, the way that certain combinations evoke certain moods, that sort of thing. Yet that is not the only thing that inspires me. Sometimes, I’ll get an idea—or a theme—in my head, and I just want to create everything I can around that certain idea.

That’s what happened while I was working on this particular entry. The idea?


Specifically, tea paraphernalia—teacups, tea saucers, tea pots, you get the picture. So, with that in mind, I present my newest thought-collection: 

Time for Tea

I made six things for this collection: three hairsticks, and three pairs of (almost identical) earrings. Some of these items are more like thought experiments--not entirely finalized designs, but still cool enough that I want to show them off.

First up, is a fun Alice in Wonderland, Mad Hatter inspired hairstick:

This hairstick is definitely on the heavier side. I’m thinking it might just be a prototype; I'd want to change it up and make it lighter if I was going to sell it. I really like how it looks, though... it's really striking when worn.

This next hairstick is also on the heavier side.

While the above hairstick is all about bright colors and fun patterns, this one is more sedate, in shades of blue and white and black:

Like the previous hairstick, this one is also pretty hefty. It's a little more manageable to wear, but also something I would consider a one-of-a-kind prototype. The design might require some tweaking, but it was definitely fun to experiment with.

Unlike the first two, this last hairstick is definitely one with a finalized design. Instead of colored teacups, I used charms in different metal tones. I even included a teapot and some tea colored Czech glass to round out the look.

It is definitely not as heavy as the other designs. Overall, it is more balanced, and more likely to stay in place when placed in a hairstyle.

Oh, and I tried to make it so that it looked like everything flowed out of the teapot when worn:

So, those are the hairsticks. Now it's time for the earrings!

Three almost identical pairs--one in silver, one in brass, and one in gold. I used the same Czech glass beads in all three pairs... I think it's pretty neat how the different color metals make the beads look different from pair to pair.

So! Those are the pieces that I have to share today. I have a few more ideas that I would like to try--a few with tea bags, some in more tea-inspired colors--but these were the ones I was able to make in time for this entry. I always like taking ideas and exploring different facets of them. If I come up with more tea-inspired jewelry, I'll be sure to share it!

Thank you so much for stopping by today. I always enjoy sharing a little bit of my thought process when it comes to designing jewelry... I hope you enjoyed it, too.

Feel free to stop back tomorrow for Day 12!


Another way I'm celebrating is by offering a coupon code for my Etsy store!

Simply use the code BLOG15 when checking out for 15% off! Code expires once my 15 Days of Content is over, on August 3rd.

Monday, July 29, 2024

15th Anniversary Celebration - Day 10

For those just tuning in, I'm doing 15 Days of Content here on my blog. It's my little way of celebrating the fact that this blog has been around for 15 years. 

And, as you could probably tell by the title of this entry, we have made it to Day 10!

Since I seem to be highlighting some of my favorite online bead sellers (so far, three have made an appearance), I figured I would be remiss if I didn’t dedicate one of my days to Allegory Gallery. So, you guessed it--that's what I'm doing today!

Now, one of the things that Allegory Gallery sells is inspiration kits. I’ve been enjoying creating with these kits since at least 2016 (although I think it may have been longer than that). Sometimes they have challenges associated with the kits, sometimes they're just to give you a spark of inspiration.

The kit that I played with for today's entry was one of the latter kind. 

...and here it is:

I would love to give you a list of materials, but I honestly don't remember.

I was intrigued by the shape of the beads and the mix of muted colors. In particular, I liked the way that the shape of the stone beads echoed the shape of the brass filigree bead. When I saw the kit, I immediately had an idea of what I wanted to make.

I am happy to say that it turned out exactly the way I pictured it in my head:

You know there had to be a tassel. ;) 

...Now, full disclaimer: readers who are extra perceptive may have noticed something. The kit I pictured above is not the exact one that I used for this necklace. Similar! Almost identical, actually. The only real difference can be seen in the elongated stone bicone beads. Each of those is unique, so you can see that the bicones shown in the kit picture are not the same as in the necklace.

You see, I bought one of the kits, made the necklace, and liked it so much that I bought another kit. Since I didn’t take pictures of the original kit, I hope you don’t mind me using the second one as a substitute.

And now, with that out of the way, here are more pictures!

I really do like that focal bead. Since I have another kit, I'm excited to try making another necklace... I want to try something a little different, so we'll see how it turns out.

Thanks so much to Allegory Gallery for the continued inspiration... and thank you, my wonderful readers, for stopping by today! Be sure to come back tomorrow to see what I have to share.

Until then, have a wonderful day, everyone!


Another way I'm celebrating is by offering a coupon code for my Etsy store!

Simply use the code BLOG15 when checking out for 15% off! Code expires once my 15 Days of Content is over, on August 3rd.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

15th Anniversary Celebration - Day 9

It's Day 9!

For those just tuning in, I've been doing 15 Days of Content as my little way of celebrating the fact that this blog has been around for 15 years.

Today's entry is a simpler one, which I thought might be a nice change of pace. Not every day can be a dramatic challenge reveal, after all.

...Although, to be fair, I suppose the pair of earrings that I want to show you today are the result of a mini-challenge. You see, they were made with a rather striking focal component that was a bit challenging to design with--at least for me.

I think they turned out pretty well, though!

See what I mean? Those large hoops are striking--and the placement of the holes is a bit different from what I'm used to. But it was definitely fun playing with them--and I definitely like the look of this pair!

Thanks so much for stopping by today for Day 9's entry. Be sure to come back tomorrow for Day 10!


Another way I'm celebrating is by offering a coupon code for my Etsy store!

Simply use the code BLOG15 when checking out for 15% off! Code expires once my 15 Days of Content is over, on August 3rd.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

15th Anniversary Celebration - Day 8

Hurray! It's Day 8!

My 15 Days of Content is continuing along quite nicely. For those just tuning in, this is just my little way of celebrating the fact that this blog has been around for 15 years.

Today, I have another Show and Tell! 

Some background: I recently entered some jewelry into a contest on the Jesse James Beads Facebook page. The rules were to make pieces using items from their Society Papers line--components inspired by the Regency period. (Jesse James Beads is another of my favorite online bead sellers... they have some really unique pieces, as well as many interesting mixes.)

Sadly, I didn’t win the contest, but I’m still incredibly proud of what I made. So, I thought I’d share the pieces here! 

Overall, I made two necklaces that I entered into the contest. (Side note: I technically made two more, but I wasn’t very happy with them… mostly they didn’t lay right when worn, and I’m super picky about that kind of thing. So! I’m going to refrain from posting them here, just in case I decide to revisit them at some point.) 

But enough blather. Without further ado, here is necklace number 1! 

You guessed it… It’s a tassel! 

The two components from the Society Papers collection are the enclosed-glass chain and the incredible focal. (I wish I had bought more of both; they’re absolutely striking in person.) The rest of the beads are from my personal stash. They include shell pearls, Czech glass, and faceted glass.

I had every plan on selling this beauty, but I may just hang on to it. I don’t really go anywhere that really calls for such a dramatic, lavish piece… but it’s just so pretty. It feels so regal when worn.

And now for necklace number 2!

While not as flashy as the first necklace, I’m actually incredibly proud of it. Every part of it is from the Society Papers collection—including the ring around the chain, which can be moved up and down as needed. It’s a large hole bead from one of the bead strands, and I was exceedingly excited to find that it fit neatly over the chain.

The result is a necklace that's simple and elegant—and adjustable!

I really do like both of these pieces. I'm very glad I made them--and even though I didn't win the contest, I have no regrets. :)

Thank you so much for stopping by today for Day 8! We’re a little more than halfway through this Anniversary Celebration, and I’m still going strong. It’s fun just sharing things that I’ve been working on… and it’ll be fun to look back in the years to come, too, to see what I made. 

Be sure to stop by tomorrow for Day 9. 

Until then, have a lovely day everyone!


Another way I'm celebrating is by offering a coupon code for my Etsy store!

Simply use the code BLOG15 when checking out for 15% off! Code expires once my 15 Days of Content is over, on August 3rd.

Friday, July 26, 2024

15th Anniversary Celebration - Day 7

It's Day 7 of my 15 Days of Content... I've officially been doing this for a week! 

For those just tuning in, this is just my little way of celebrating the fact that this blog has been around for 15 years. And you know who else is celebrating their 15th Anniversary this month? Bead Box Bargains!

Bead Box Bargains is, hands down, one of my favorite online bead resources. Their selection may vary (they are a closeout store, after all), but their prices and customer service are bar none. I've been ordering them since the beginning of my jewelry making career, and I keep going back.

Their celebration this month included releasing some limited-edition, limited-run bundles. I managed to grab a few... and I thought for today's entry, I would make something with one of them!

Here's the bundle I chose for today. It's called Golden Midnight.

Not my photo!
This is the product photo from Bead Box Bargains.

I really love the combination of deep dark blue and gold. It reminds me of ancient cultures like Mesopotamia and Egypt, where they often made jewelry using gold and lapis lazuli.

So, what better way to use this bundle than to focus on the lapis lazuli pendant and 4mm rounds? With some of the Czech glass thrown in, of course.

Overall, here is what I made--using only beads from that bundle!

Yep! I made an entire set: a necklace, some earrings, a bracelet, and a hairstick.

For fun, here are some glamour shots...

First, of the necklace:

...and now the bracelet:

...and the earrings:

...and, last but not least, the hairstick:

This bundle was a lot of fun to play with, and I'm glad that I got a chance to do so. Happy 15th Anniversary to Bead Box Bargains... thanks for being part of my jewelry-making journey!

And thank you, my wonderful readers, for stopping by today! There's more content to come... I hope you come back tomorrow for more.

Until then... have a wonderful day, everyone!


Another way I'm celebrating is by offering a coupon code for my Etsy store!

Simply use the code BLOG15 when checking out for 15% off! Code expires once my 15 Days of Content is over, on August 3rd.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

15th Anniversary Celebration - Day 6

We've made it to Day 6 of my 15 Days of Content... yay!

For those just tuning in, this is just my little way of celebrating the fact that this blog has been around for 15 years.

For today's entry, I have a little show and tell for you.

I'm not sure if this was the same everywhere, but a few months ago, jellyfish jewelry seemed to be rather prevalent/trendy. I kept seeing it every time I went on to social media. 
I admit that I really liked the concept, but I wanted to do something different. After all, I was seeing jellyfish earrings popping up all over the place.

So… instead of making earrings, I made a hairstick!

Taking pictures of this thing was actually pretty difficult. So I took a lot of them... Hopefully they capture just how pretty and dangly it is. And very lightweight, too!

I'm really happy with how this hairstick turned out. Maybe I'll even wear it the next time I go to the aquarium. The jellyfish exhibit is one of my favorite parts, after all.

Thanks so much for stopping by today! I'm hard at work getting the jewelry for Day 7's entry ready... be sure to check it out tomorrow.

Have a wonderful day, everyone!


Another way I'm celebrating is by offering a coupon code for my Etsy store!

Simply use the code BLOG15 when checking out for 15% off! Code expires once my 15 Days of Content is over, on August 3rd.