Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Hello, May!

...and hello, first worktable post of the month!

I am pretty happy to report that my hand is healing nicely. Granted, it's still not 100%, but it is definitely, definitely better than it was. Yay!

I've even started weaning myself out of the thumb immobilizer that I wore all last month, and have been doing a little bit of jewelry planning. In fact, on my table currently is this collection of beads:

...There's some crystal, some toho seed beads, and a lot of ruby in zoisite. There are even two necklaces that I made a long time ago that I decided to revamp. 

And I've even taken it one step further. Here's what I've made so far: 

Yay for my first tassel in over a month! It felt really, really good to sit down and make that.

I haven't made the rest of the necklace yet... I'm taking it slowly. Still, I am very pleased. And I'm very hopeful for May. Here's to much more healing--and much more creating--in the weeks to come.

Thanks so much for stopping by today. Have a wonderful week--and a wonderful May--everyone!


  1. I am so very behind on my blog reading! I'm glad you're healing up nicely and happy to see a tassel on your table. :D


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