Monday, January 27, 2025

Better Late Than Never!

Back in September, I did a Monthly Challenge based on butterflies. I then hinted that there was something else in the works, but I couldn't post about it yet.

Well now, months after I posted that, I can finally share! Hurray!

So! Without any further ado... drumroll please...

I had a butterfly-inspired piece posted in the Fall 2024 Belle Armoire Jewelry!

I was reticent to post about it before now because there was a mixup in the mail, and I didn't receive my copy until late December. I wanted to take pictures of my actual copy to share. But! Here it is, in all of its loveliness. Yay!

On a health-related note, I am almost completely recovered from surgery (probably like 98%, woohoo!). I have more energy than I have had in months. I'm using most of that energy to try to catch up on life things that fell by the wayside while I wasn't feeling well, but there's some creative stirrings in there, too. I'm excited to see what comes of it all.

Thanks for stopping by today... I know that there's a lot going on in the world right now, and I appreciate you taking the time to check in on me. 

Wishing you all the best!

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Happy New Year!

Hello, everyone! Happy New Year!

This is not going to be a long entry, just wanted to wave and wish you well. I am recovering well from surgery--not as quick as I'd like, but that's all right. Slowing down has been good for me.

And I am so grateful. 

Grateful for a successful surgery, grateful for my husband who's been taking good care of me, grateful for a cozy house while it snows, grateful for a full pantry, grateful for friends... just, grateful.

And I'm grateful for you, whoever is reading this. Thanks for stopping by today, for joining me in this little part of the internet. May your new year be bright and full--and know that I'm so, so glad that there's you.