Monday, February 24, 2020

February Reveal - SJ Designs Jewelry Honey Do List Design Challenge

It feels like it's been forever since I posted. Hello, everyone! I'm still around, still making jewelry. If you follow me on Instagram, you'll know some of what I've been up to--namely, taking a trip to Niagara Falls and learning how to make lampwork beads.

For this entry, though, I thought it would be fun to participate in a blog challenge. Sarajo Wentling is still going strong with her Honey Do List Challenge, and I thought I'd join in! Here is the picture that her husband, Eric, picked for this month's challenge:

This is what Eric had to say about it:
This month I had a hard time coming up with a good challenge. I have plenty of bird and flower pictures but still within the icy grips of Minnesota winter these just didn't seem right for February. I ended up going monochrome with this cool railing and shadow from atop Herman the German in New Ulm. Hopefully the design will supply some inspiration!

I love a good black-and-white challenge. My original plan didn't quite work out, but that's all right. (I was going to attempt to make some lampwork beads to go with the theme, but I wasn't able to get to the studio to play with the torch.) Instead, I was able to use some beads I already had in my stash--some carved dolomite and some howlite. 

Without further ado, here is what I made!

...I realize that you really can't see the swirls on the black dolomite, but trust me--they're there! :)

Now I know that this the most complicated of sets, but I still really enjoyed making these pieces. As much as I like using color, it's always fun to use a limited palette with such stark contrast. :)

Thank you, Sarajo and Eric for letting me play along! And thank you, readers, for stopping by today! I hope to get back into the swing of posting here... I've missed it. 

Have a wonderful day, everyone! 


  1. Welcome back, Jenny!! Thanks for playing along with us this month. It's so cool that you're doing some lampworking... look forward to seeing more of that. I love the simple elegance of the set you made!

  2. Well done! I'm looking forward to seeing your lampwork in the future!


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