Monday, March 10, 2025

Wonder and Whimsy March 2025 Challenge: Mocha Mousse Madness

At long last, I have finally decided on what my challenge should be for this month.

Honestly, it is what I was hoping to do back in January, but January was a month of recovery and relaxing. I have no regrets as far as that goes... I definitely needed a chance to rest.

...Besides, if I did this back in January, then I couldn't use this name:

March Mocha Mousse Madness

This is a bit of a nod to my dad... He really, really likes watching March Madness (which is the NCAA college basketball tournament here in the U.S., for those who don't live in the states). 

Add to that the fact that I have been wanting to make jewelry using the 2025 Pantone Color of the Year, Mocha Mousse, and, well, the two names just sort of flowed together.

So! Ta-da! March Mouse Mousse Madness was born.

As one might expect, that means that this month, I will be making jewelry inspired by this shade of brown. And it's a very particular shade of brown... not too tan/yellow, but not deep mahogany. This should be interesting.

Come back on Friday, March 28th to see what I create!

Friday, March 7, 2025

Wonder and Whimsy February Challenge Reveal: Use What I Have

Part 2

...a little bit delayed, but finally here!

For this part of the reveal, I have a bunch of pieces that are all a variation on a theme. Indeed, they're all practically the same--just in different colorways.

But! I'm getting ahead of myself. First, let me show you the beads that I wanted to use:

Those are all strands and strands and strands of 3mm Czech glass fire-polished beads. I get a monthly subscription box that usually includes them, and I just haven't found the right use for them.

That is, until now.

You see, at the end of last year, I learned a new seed bead stitch: the Russian Spiral. I've been wanting to learn it for years, and last Fall--around the time of my surgery--it finally just clicked.

Now, you know what beads work wonderfully in a Russian Spiral design? 

You guessed it: 3mm Czech glass fire-polished beads.

I have been having so much fun with this stitch. I have been going through and using up all of those  beads that I have been keeping/hoarding, and finally having a use for them. I'm ecstatic.

But enough talk. Here are the 7 necklaces I made for this challenge--and, trust me, this is not the limit of what all I've made with this stitch. I'm currently addicted--and I have a lot of beads to use up!

Necklace 1

(And, just as a disclaimer: the discerning among you will notice that none of these necklaces actually have clasps. I'm going to go through and add them at some point, but in my push to get these all done in February, I did forgot to add them. Oops!)

Necklace 2

Necklace 3

Necklace 4

Necklace 5

Necklace 6

Necklace 7

Now, this last necklace deserve just a little more of a write-up, because it truly captures the essence of this challenge. I had four half-strands of pink beads that I had used in a different necklace. What I had left was not quite enough to make a Russian Spiral necklace. 

So, look carefully at those piles: the top and bottom piles each contain two shades of beads instead of one. I combined them together based on finish, with the two shades of opal pink in one pile and clear pink in the other. I then supplemented some matching coppery pink beads  (middle pile) that I had left from yet another design.

This necklace is the epitome of taking beads that I already owned, and making something lovely.

I'm thrilled with how it turned out!

So, there you go. Welcome to my newest beading obsession. It's fun to do, and a wonderful way to use up beads that I previously didn't know how to use.

And, just to show off, here they are, all together:

It's so neat how the same stitch can yield such different looks--all depending on the colors and seed beads you choose! (Oh, and I suppose I should mention that I used either Miyuki or Toho 11/0s, depending on the metallic finish I was using. The light bronze and bright silver are Miyukis, while the rest are Tohos.)

I'm sure you'll see more of this design from me in the future. I just thought that it deserved its own post, since it really did capture what this challenge was all about.

Thanks so much for stopping by to see what I made! I'm already poking at ideas for my March challenge... I realize that it's already 7 days into the month, and I haven't decided yet. Hah! I'll let you know what I finally decide on soon.

Until then, have a beautiful day, everyone!


P.S. Part 1 can be found here!

Friday, February 28, 2025

Wonder and Whimsy February Challenge Reveal: Use What I Have

Part 1

Hurray for the first challenge reveal of 2025!

...And there is a lot to show. So much so, that I have decided to break this up into 2 reveals. Imagine!

So! For those who are just tuning in, this month's challenge was to use what I have. I know that might sound silly, but I have an overabundance of beads. I really needed to stop focusing on what I don't have and start using up what I do.

Overall, I had success! 

For part 1, I have two necklaces to share. 

The first, I made with these beads:

What a pretty collection of red iris glass rondelles and coated hematite hearts!

When I started this challenge, I thought I knew what I wanted to make with this collection, but the idea kept changing. Morphing. 

Eventually, this is what I ended up with:

Now, I'm not 100% sold on this design. I am absolutely pleased with the body of the necklace, but not so much the pendant. In my head, I wanted a large gold filigree heart.

But I don't have one. 

Trust me... I looked. Multiple times.

So, in the nature of my challenge, I made a pendant. I used a large scalemaille scale in a matching color, and made a little beaded charm to go in front of it.

Visually, it absolutely works. Unfortunately, when worn, the weight distribution is all wonky. The body of the necklace is fairly weighty (mainly because of the hematite), but the scalemaille is super light. It keeps flipping around.

Still! I count this necklace as a success. I tried something new--and I didn't buy anything! Woohoo!

Now for necklace number 2.

For this one, I ended up using these beads:

...I have been hoarding that rose focal. 

It is double sided. It's a wonderful size. It's lightweight. I love roses. So my challenge with this necklace was using something that I've clinging to, and saving for "just the right design"!

And yes, I made a tassel. I'm sure you're not surprised.

The tassel is made almost entirely of Czech glass... the only exception are those teeeeeeny tiny little rondelles at the top.

I love this necklace. I'm sure that's no surprise. It's a tassel necklace with a rose... what is there not to like? Hah! I'm just glad that I finally stopped hoarding the focal and made something with it.

So! There you go. That's reveal 1. Thanks so much for stopping by to see what I made for this challenge. The second reveal should be coming this weekend... or whenever I get a chance to sit down and take pictures.

Till then, have a wonderful day, everyone!

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Wonder and Whimsy February 2025 Challenge: Use What I Have

Hello hello! It's the beginning of February--and that means it's time for a new monthly challenge! Hurray!

This month's challenge is actually fairly simple: not buy any beads. 

Hah! This is easier said than done for me, because I really do love buying beads. I actually use it as a form of stress relief--shopping for beads, and imagining different projects I could make with them. It's like daydreaming ...expensive daydreaming.

One possible project:
red iris glass and coated hematite hearts.

But I have so, so many beautiful beads already... and so many beautiful projects that I haven't touched since purchasing them.

Another possible project: 
teeny 3mm Czech glass and miyuki seed beads

So! That's why I'm doing this challenge. Whatever I make this month, it needs to be done with beads that I already own. And if there is a component that would perfectly finish a design, but I don't have it, I need to use something else--something that I already have. This should add an extra touch of challenge and creativity!

So, we'll see what I come up with this month! Woo! Wish me luck... and be sure to come back on Friday, February 28th to see what I create.

Monday, January 27, 2025

Better Late Than Never!

Back in September, I did a Monthly Challenge based on butterflies. I then hinted that there was something else in the works, but I couldn't post about it yet.

Well now, months after I posted that, I can finally share! Hurray!

So! Without any further ado... drumroll please...

I had a butterfly-inspired piece posted in the Fall 2024 Belle Armoire Jewelry!

I was reticent to post about it before now because there was a mixup in the mail, and I didn't receive my copy until late December. I wanted to take pictures of my actual copy to share. But! Here it is, in all of its loveliness. Yay!

On a health-related note, I am almost completely recovered from surgery (probably like 98%, woohoo!). I have more energy than I have had in months. I'm using most of that energy to try to catch up on life things that fell by the wayside while I wasn't feeling well, but there's some creative stirrings in there, too. I'm excited to see what comes of it all.

Thanks for stopping by today... I know that there's a lot going on in the world right now, and I appreciate you taking the time to check in on me. 

Wishing you all the best!

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Happy New Year!

Hello, everyone! Happy New Year!

This is not going to be a long entry, just wanted to wave and wish you well. I am recovering well from surgery--not as quick as I'd like, but that's all right. Slowing down has been good for me.

And I am so grateful. 

Grateful for a successful surgery, grateful for my husband who's been taking good care of me, grateful for a cozy house while it snows, grateful for a full pantry, grateful for friends... just, grateful.

And I'm grateful for you, whoever is reading this. Thanks for stopping by today, for joining me in this little part of the internet. May your new year be bright and full--and know that I'm so, so glad that there's you.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Create Everyday Challenge: Everything Together

Surprise! It's me again!

I've been thinking about my Create Everyday Challenge, and wanted to just do a nice little summary entry. 

After all, what a journey it was! And what delight this little bag brought throughout the month:

Hurray for my Bag of Goodies!

Now, as I mentioned, I had hoped to do the entire month of November... but I still think doing 20 days is pretty dang impressive. I was looking over everything I made during this challenge, and I'm definitely happy with everything I was able to do.

And, for fun, here's at least one thing I made every day of this challenge!

(Side note: it's not everything--I just picked one picture from each day. If you haven't seen everything that I made, be sure to check out the earlier posts this month!)

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Day 8

Day 9

Day 10

Day 11

Day 12

Day 13

Day 14

Day 15

Day 16

Day 17

Day 18

Day 19

Day 20

...Phew! That's a lot of pretty things.

I think my favorite part of the challenge was pulling something new out of my Bag of Goodies everyday. I have a lot of pretty things, and I enjoyed the randomness of it. Some of the pieces in the bag were very precious, that I've been saving (read: hoarding) for some time... it was nice to give myself permission to play with them. I will definitely be revisiting my Bag of Goodies soon! (Besides, I have some items in the bag that I didn't get to... it would be a shame to not play with them at some point!)

Thank you so much for joining me on this journey. It's been a lot of fun sharing it with you, and knowing that people enjoyed looking at my designs.

Have a great end to your November, everyone! I'll see you sometime in December--when my surgery is over, and I get back on my feet!